Web Data Connector Wrapper

Build Status

This JavaScript library aims to simplify the way you write and instantiate Tableau web data connectors.

Still under active development! Use at your own risk.

Installation & Usage

If you don't use bower, you can get started by downloading here:

However, we do highly recommend downloading and installing this library via bower!

bower install wdcw --save

In any web page:

// Requires ES6 Promises (either a shim or a library like bluebird is fine),
// As well as jQuery and, naturally, the Tableau WDC API (v2.0.0+)
<script src="/bower_components/es6-promise/es6-promise.min.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://connectors.tableau.com/libs/tableauwdc-2.0.0-beta.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/wdcw/dist/wdcw.min.js"></script>
  // Instantiate your WDC and supply custom WDC logic.
  var wrapper = wdcw({
    name: 'My Web Data Connector',
    schema: function () {
      return Promise.resolve([{
        // Your schema definition here.

Full Web Data Connecter Wrapper API documentation is also available.

Enhancements and differences vs. the native WDC API


With the Tableau API...

// Call global connector factory.
var connector = tableau.makeConnector();

// Implement connector methods.
connector.getSchema = function (schemaCallback) {/*...*/};

// Set connector name on global object and register the connector.
tableau.connectionName = 'My Web Data Connector';

With the WDC wrapper...

// Call the global wdcw function with your WDC name/logic as configuration.
var wrapper = wdcw({
  name: 'My Web Data Connector',
  schema: function () {/*...*/},

Connection data / configuration handling

With the Tableau API...

  <input type="text" name="SomeConfig" />
  <select name="SelectableConfig">
    <option value="Opt1">Option 1</option>
    <option value="Opt2">Option 2</option>
  <input type="submit" value="Connect" />

var connector = tableau.makeConnector();

connector.init = function(initCallback) {
  // Attach a form submit handler during the interactive phase.
  if (tableau.phase === tableau.phaseEnum.interactivePhase) {
    $('form').submit(function connectorFormSubmitHandler(event) {
      var connectionData = {};

      // Prevent the form from actually being submitted/processed.

      // Pull configuration values from the DOM.
      connectionData.SomeConfig = $('input[name="SomeConfig"]').val();
      connectionData.SelectableConfig = $('select[name="SelectableConfig"]').val();

      // Serialize the config data as JSON
      tableau.connectionData = JSON.stringify(connectionData);


connector.getData = function(table, dataDoneCallback) {
  // Unserialize the config data from Tableau.
  var config = JSON.parse(tableau.connectionData);

  // Use the config in your data getter
  $.getJSON('/table/' + table.tableInfo.id + '.json?config=' + config.SomeConfig, function(data) {

With the WDC Wrapper...

  <input type="text" name="SomeConfig" />
  <select name="SelectableConfig">
    <option value="Opt1">Option 1</option>
    <option value="Opt2">Option 2</option>
  <input type="submit" value="Connect" />

var wrapper = wdcw({name: 'My Web Data Connector'});

// The wrapper automatically retrieves and stores form inputs, keyed on their
// "name" attribute. You can retrieve them via the getConnectionData method.
wrapper.registerData('someTableId', function () {
  var connector = this,
      someConfig = connector.getConnectionData('SomeConfig');

  return $.when($.getJSON('/table/someTableId.json?config=' + someConfig));

Authentication handling

With the Tableau API...

var connector = tableau.makeConnector();

connector.init = function (doneCallback) {
  // Register the authentication type with Tableau.
  tableau.authType = 'basic';

  if (tableau.phase === tableau.phaseEnum.interactivePhase) {
    // Listen for form submission, grab values, and register them with Tableau.
    $('form').submit(function() {
      tableau.username = $('input[name="username"]').val();
      tableau.password = $('input[type="password"]').val();

With the WDC wrapper...

// The WDC Wrapper automatically stores inputs named "username" or "password" on
// their respective native tableau.username and tableau.password properties.
  name: 'My Web Data Connector',
  authType: 'basic'

Multi-table handling

With the Tableau API...

connector.getData = function (table, dataDoneCallback) {
  // Branch logic based on the table ID
  switch (table.tableInfo.id) {
    case: 'tableOne':
      // Manually handle asynchronicity
      $.getJSON('/path/to/tableOne/resource.json', function (data) {

    case: 'tableTwo':
      $.getJSON('/path/to/tableTwo/resource.json', function (data) {

With the WDC wrapper...

wrapper = wdcw();

// Specify getData methods for each table, based on tableId.
wrapper.registerData('tableOne', function () {
  // WDCW table data getters expect promises to be returned.
  return $.when($.getJSON('/path/to/tableOne/resource.json'));

wrapper.registerData('tableTwo', function () {
  return return $.when($.getJSON('/path/to/tableTwo/resource.json'));

Data processing / filtering / transformation

With the Tableau API...

// Helper function for returning API data by page.
function getDataForPage(pageNumber, successCallback) {
  return $.getJSON('/path/to/resource.json?page=' + pageNumber), successCallback);

connector.getData = function (table, dataDoneCallback) {
  var combinedDataSink = [],
      deferred = [];

  // Loop through 5 pages and concatenate API data to a data sink.
  for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    deferred.push(getDataForPage(i, function (data) {
      // Potentially, some filtering or transformation logic would live here.
      combinedDataSink = combinedDataSink.concat(data);

  $.when(deferred).done(function () {
    var transformedData = combinedData;
    // Additional filtering or transformation logic could live here.

With the WDC Wrapper...

// Basically the same helper function for returning API data by page.
function getDataForPage(pageNumber) {
  return $.when($.getJSON('/path/to/resource.json?page=' + pageNumber));

var wrapper = wdcw();

wrapper.registerData('someTableId', function () {
  return Promise.all([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(getDataForPage);

// Provide a postProcess method that encapsulates all processing logic.
wrapper.registerPostProcess('someTableId', function (data) {
  var transformedData = data;
  // All transformation logic goes here.
  return Promise.resolve(transformedData);

Dependent table data

With the Tableau API...

// Globally keep track of whether or not the first table is done loading data.
var tableDeferred;

connector.getSchema = function (schemaCallback) {
    id: 'independentTable',
    columns: [/*...*/]
  }, {
    id: 'dependentTable',
    columns: [/*...*/]

connector.getData = function (table, dataDoneCallback) {
  switch (table.tableInfo.id) {
    case: 'independentTable':
      tableDeferred = $.when($.getJSON('/path/to/independentTable.json'));
      tableDeferred.then(function (data) {

    case: 'dependentTable':
      // Only proceed once the global tableDeferred var indicates completion.
      tableDeferred.done(function (independentTableData) {
        var dependentIds = [];

        // Extract some sub-identifiers from each row.
        independentTableData.forEach(function (tableRow) {
          dependentIds = dependentIds.concat(tableRow.someIds);

        // Query some endpoint using the extracted sub-identifiers as a filter.
        $.getJSON('/path/to/dependentTable.json?whereIn=' + dependentIds.join(','), function (data) {

With the WDC Wrapper...

var wrapper = wdcw();

wrapper.registerSchema(function () {
  return Promise.resolve([{
    id: 'independentTable',
    columns: [/*...*/]
  }, {
    id: 'dependentTable',
    columns: [/*...*/],
    // A magic WDC wrapper-specific schema property which causes the execution
    // of this table's getData method to occur after its dependencies.
    dependsOn: ['independentTable'] // WDC Wrapper magic property.

wrapper.registerData('independentTable', function () {
  return $.when($.getJSON('/path/to/independentTable.json'));

// This method won't be called until after the independentTable method resolves.
wrapper.registerData('dependentTable', function (lastToken, independentTableData) {
  var dependentIds = [];

  // Here [0] represents the first dependency. If this table depended on more
  // than one table, additional dependencies could be accessed by incrementing.
  independentTableData[0].forEach(function (tableRow) {
    dependentIds = dependentIds.concat(tableRow.someIds);

  return $.when($.getJSON('/path/to/dependentTable.json?whereIn=' + dependentIds.join(',')));


Handy extension to native Web Data Connector objects.

  • Eric Peterson


Primary entry point for instantiating wrapped Web Data Connectors.

  • Eric Peterson